Meredith & Willie (Philadelphia, PA)

Like many people, my husband and I adopted another dog at the very beginning of the pandemic. We actually adopted him without ever meeting him, soley on a picture so we were unable to get a glimpse of what his disposition could possibly be. Willie is our second dog and very quickly we realized that he was having separation anxiety and we wanted to nip it in the bud at a early age.

Luckily, I was referred to Believe in your Dog, and let me say, if a name could say it all, then Jackie picked the best name for her company. Let me be frank, I am not a patient person and somehow, someway Jackie was able to coach us and educate us on the process and training which ultimately not only made me believe in our dog, but in us and more importantly in her as true expert.

At first I was skeptical about training over zoom and cameras, but it's 100% effective which is pretty incredible. Willie has come a long way, as have we as doggie parents and we could not have done it without Jackie. Trust the Process!


Geri & Rosie (Denver, CO)


Stephanie & Tex (Seattle, WA)